Thursday, December 30, 2010

Making Money Easy

According to the affidavit, the investigation included the co-operation of authorities in Canada, France and Germany.

As for code, the LOIC DDoS software believed to be used by Operation Anonymous remain available on the social code site Github and on SourceForge. Thousands of people have downloaded it from those sites. The software allegedly makes it easy for a user to donate their computer's bandwidth to repeatedly messaging a target server until it is rendered inaccessible by other users.

The ephemeral group Anonymous, or Operation Payback, co-ordinated a series of such attacks earlier this month against Paypal, Mastercard, Visa and others. These global leaders in money transfer were criticized for preventing their customers from donating money to the controversial website Wikileaks, despite the site having been convicted of no crimes.

Clearly a sufficient number of people in the FBI believe the denial of service attacks may constitute felony-level damage to computer systems, but others have argued that the campaign falls broadly within the tradition of non-violent civil disobedience and political protest.

FBI Agent Allyn Lynd, whom The Smoking Gun reports signed the affidavit, has been in the technology news media before. He lead a 2009 raid on at least two Texas web hosts over an alleged federal crime concerning unpaid bills to AT&T and Verizon. Those raids disrupted a number of co-located but unrelated businesses, including some that allege the disruption cost them millions of dollars.

In this latest affidavit, Lynd argued again that he may need to disrupt some other servers temporarily in order to achieve his goal of determining which servers were relevant to his investigation. Due to the document's incomplete publication, whether any sense of irony was appreciated is unclear.

No information has been made available to date regarding any FBI or other law enforcement investigation of the denial of service and other technical attacks made against the Wikileaks website.

We don't have enough public market acquirers to sustain the start-up ecosystem.
That was the real back story that explains why Google failed to close a deal to buy
Groupon. Groupon wanted to
sell to Google for $6 billion. Of course they did, that is a huge amount of money – real cold hard cash – for a 2 year old
venture. Do you really think they turned that down for the vague possibility of
making more from an IPO in the distant future? Yes we all hear the stories of
visionary entrepreneurs who are such bold risk-takers and some of that is true but
most entrepreneurs don’t love risk, they love eliminating risk on the way to
building a venture.  The real story is that Groupon only backed off due to worries that the deal
would fall into AntiTrust

If we only have a handful of acquiring companies (basically today it is Google,
Amazon and Microsoft, now that eBay and Yahoo are wounded), the AntiTrust hurdle becomes more real. Even
if there is no AntiTrust
issue, Google, Amazon and Microsoft simply cannot buy all those venture-backed

So we need Groupon to go public and use their public
currency to buy other ventures working on local advertising/ecommerce. That will be
good news for lots of ventures. And a Groupon IPO success
will spur on other ventures that are getting ready for IPO.

I don’t know if Groupon really have the solid
financials to go public. We won’t know until they issue their prospectus to the
SEC. Until then we only have rumor and speculation. But if I were a betting man, I
would bet on Groupon being able to go public before
Twitter. And, this will be more controversial, before Facebook. But that as they say is another story. I am not trying here
to compile an actual list of ventures that could IPO in 2011. This is more about the
general environment for IPOs.

This has been what Steve Blank calls the “lost
decade” for tech IPOs. So why do I think that 2011 will be the year this
changes? There are 5 reasons:

  1. Private
    markets are under SEC scrutiny. This takes away the easy option of getting
    liquidity without either selling or going public. If you have more than 500
    shareholders you have to make your financials public, it is the law.

  2. There is a
    backlog of great companies that have the financial strength to IPO. The IPO market
    has been pretty well closed for a couple of years (some notable exceptions prove the
    rule). So the companies that have the potential to IPO have had more time to grow and
    get their act together.

  3. Investors
    are hungry for growth outside emerging markets. GDP in America and Europe seems to
    have a ceiling at 3% and the Chindia and BRIC stories of
    emerging markets growing at 8-10% has created too much capital flowing to those
    markets (generating fears of a bubble). So investors want companies in the developed
    markets that can grow at really fast pace (at least 30%, ideally 60% plus) from a
    base of at least $100m revenue for a long time to come. That has to come primarily
    from tech/media ventures.

  4. The
    macroeconomic picture is improving. Yes, there are always worries and another
    crash is always possible, but "markets always climb a wall of worry" and the general
    trends seem positive. But cycles don't last forever, so the people making these
    decisions (Boards and their Investment Bankers) will look at 2011 as a good window of

  5. The bean
    counters have figured out how to live with Sarbox. For a long time, Sarbanes Oxley ("Sarbox") regulatory overhead has been seen as a reason why you cannot
    run a public company. Baloney, as they say in Brooklyn. It is a simple bit of
    operational overhead, a rounding error for a great company.

IPO is still the golden ticket. Real entrepreneurs want to IPO. Getting acquired
is a great way to build capital, but it is not the dream of the really driven,
talented entrepreneurs. There are logical reasons for this. The valuation at IPO is
usually (not always, plenty of exceptions to this rule) higher than you can get from
an M&A exit. And more importantly for the
entrepreneur, it is actually often easier to manage public market investors than a
bunch of VC with different agendas. But logical reasons be damned, an IPO is simply
the big badge of honor for the entrepreneur and the investors who back him/her.

It is not clear what we will call the decade that starts in a few days time
– the “teens” maybe – but it will possibly be one where we
get a sustainable IPO market for tech ventures. By “sustainable” I mean
that it cannot be a return to the Dot Com bubble years. Only great companies with
really solid financials will get through the IPO gate. And the valuations will have
to remain grounded in reality (short sellers will ensure that is the case).

Here’s hoping. Happy New Year folks.

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Salvatore A. Giunta to Drop the Times Square Ball and 5 Other New <b>...</b>

Salvatore A. Giunta, the first living person to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War, is this year's Times Square ball drop guest of honor. Surge Desk offers 5 facts about the famous New York tradition.

Keith Olbermann: &#39;Fox <b>News</b> Is 100% Bullshit&#39;

Keith Olbermann is anything but hesitant when it comes to a battle with Fox News, and the MSNBC anchor took to Twitter Wednesday to share his views on the TV network he probably wouldn't even call a rival. "Fox News is 100% bullshit," ...

Stubborn Joblessness Among Vets Darkens US Economy - AOL <b>News</b>

The newly reported drop in jobless claims belies continued rough going for America's Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, who are experiencing 10 percent unemployment.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Start Making Money

From the diaries by Erick

Investing in math and science is the way to solve the economy. A great idea. And somehow liberals have co-opted it to make it sound like their own.

Today’s Los Angeles Times for instance contains an article entitled, “Fixing the Economy the Scientific Way,” arguing that the federal government must spend more money on math and science education. They point to the fact that over the last 40 years the government’s support of science has declined 60% as a portion of GDP. They then argue that Republicans will only make the problem worse, pointing to their pledge to reduce federal spending on nondefense-related science research to pre-stimulus levels.

There is a lot wrong with this argument. For instance, given that the stimulus was a one-off, emergency spending measure, I’m not sure you can call a return to pre-stimulus investment a “reduction.” If we simply kept all stimulus programs intact forever and ever it would be akin to adding $800 billion to our deficit annually, not exactly a financially or politically sound proposition.

The bigger problem is that liberals’ argument ignores the reason governmental support of science funding has been declining relative to GDP. The problem is that the government over the last four decades has been forced to spend on other things. Our mandatory spending, on such things as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, has been driven upwards, leaving less and less to be spent on discretionary budget items. Moreover it is not going to get better without major changes. The CBO predicts that “federal spending on major mandatory health care programs will grow from roughly 5 percent today to about 10 percent in 2035 and will continue to increase thereafter. “

As the following chart from the Heritage Foundation shows, the increase in costs of entitlements and anti-poverty programs are forcing reductions elsewhere.

If we want to increase our investment and math and science as a pathway to future prosperity we must understand one thing: we are not working with unlimited funds. We can’t simply increase science investment because it is a good idea. A budget requires prioritization. Making math and science a priority means making something else less of a priority.

Sadly, prioritization is even difficult given that our budget is being tyrannized by entitlement spending. Now, and especially in the future, these programs are taking up such a large slice of the budgetary pie that there simply isn’t enough money to pay for core government functions, much less science grants. That is why fiscal conservatism, through principled spending, is the true path toward promoting scientific advancement.

For an example as to why, look no further than Texas. Doing research for this post, I googled “math and science investment” in an attempt to find long term trends in how much the government spent. To my surprise one of the top returns was an article entitled “Perry announces math and science investment.” The Perry the article is referring to is the Republican governor of Texas, Rick Perry. As it turns out, in 2009, right in the heart of the recession, Texas announced it was investing $160 million to expand Texas Science, Technology, Engineering and Math academies. But how!?! After all, Texas doesn’t have an income tax and has one of the nation’s lowest overall tax burdens. Yet through shrewd spending and their ability to attract businesses to the state, Texas has weathered the economic storm better than most, even managing to maintain an $8 billion “rainy day “ fund. This financial flexibility, accomplished by keeping government spending relatively low, is what enabled them to increase their science and math spending in response to a need. The federal government lacks that flexibility.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that solving our economic issues are as simple as giving more money to math and science. It would be a good start and a great investment. But Medicare and Social Security, programs liberals love, are stopping us from doing so.

by Brandon Greife, Political Director of the College Republican National Committee

Hey, you! Yeah, you — you, with the remote on the coffee table in front of the TV. So you think cooking from scratch is scary? Doesn’t have to be. Cooking can be as simple or as complex as you like; it’s up to you.

I’m going to address these remarks to the guy (or gal) out there who is eating a typical American diet, didn’t grow up knowing how to cook, needs for whatever reason (be it health, saving money, or some other reason) to learn, and would like to learn to make foods in the American canon. What I plan to do is to start off with some of the basics — the things that form the backbone of Western (or at least North American) cookery. And in my own opinion, there’s no better place to start than in the making of soup stock. (Vegetarians take note: This is geared toward making meat stocks, but is easily adapted to vegetarian cooking just by leaving out the meat — which, by the way, simplifies the process considerably.)

Let’s say you ordered too much chicken at KFC but you don’t want to try saving the leftover pieces because they inevitably dry out in the fridge and become inedible chicken jerky. Or you have some beef stew meat that’s not quite enough for a main dish. Or you’ve got some ham or luncheon meat that’s about to go bad and you need to use it up. Or you bought a roasted chicken from the store and have a big chicken carcass with some meat attached after a big meal. Or you’re cutting up a whole raw chicken and have no idea what to do with the wings and back. Or maybe you want to make a gallon or two of soup stock and you went out and bought a whole bird to be dedicated to that purpose.

Have I got a deal for you!

That extra bit of leftover meat you can’t bear to simply throw away can be repurposed to a higher calling, and serve as the basis of many different dishes. And doing so is so easy, even Cris Collingsworth could do it. For all you multi-taskers out there, this is a great thing to do on the weekends if you’re at home watching the game and doing the laundry. Start it in the morning after you’ve done the shower-and-breakfast thing, then check on it every so often to make sure the liquid level’s OK; by the time the last game’s done, it should be ready, or at least at an acceptable level of completion. Most of the work will be at the beginning of the process; once the veggies go in, it’s a matter of letting everything simmer for at least three hours.

Before we get started, you should have the following items:

– a stock pot (a slow cooker or Dutch oven will do; or as large and deep a pan as you have on hand)

– a strainer (4″ will do fine, but bigger will also work)

– at least two ice cube trays

– a nice sharp knife such as a santoku; “sharp” means “can cut the skin of a ripe tomato simply by resting on it with only the weight of the knife itself pressing down on it”. Yes, I know your knives aren’t that sharp. Use the steel or stone that came with them after each time you use them, and they will be.

– a pair of kitchen shears (my tool of choice for cutting up chickens and cracking bones; a good utility knife will do)

As for the soup ingredients themselves, they can be, as the Good Witch said, whatever you want them to be: just click your heels together and wish really hard. Any type of meat, fish, or vegetable is suitable for soup stock. Hell, citrus can be fun to add to chicken stocks towards the end of cooking, just for that added zing — though freshly sliced ginger root, which you add right at the beginning with the other ingredients, is my own stock-zinger of choice.

(A word of caution: Do Not Add Salt. (This is especially true if you’re using any precooked or preprocessed meats, which will inevitably have lots of salt anyway. Try to avoid using preserved meats with lots of nitrites as well.) If you do add salt, the end result, especially if added at the beginning of the process, will be extremely salty — which for those folks on low-salt diets is not a good thing.)

If your chicken carcass looks to be mostly bones, don’t worry: The flavor of stock can come from the meat, but where it really resides is inside the bones, in the marrow. This is why the older the bird, the more flavorful the stock. (This is also why you want to crack open the bones before you toss them in the water. The funny little semi-circular notch near the handle in the kitchen shears’ blades is designed for just this purpose.) Lightly-flavored stocks have their place — they’re useful for when you want to complement but not overwhelm any delicately-flavored ingredients, such as leeks or morels, with which you might be cooking, and they’re an excellent substitute for water when boiling rice. And most any chicken carcass will provide a hearty stock if heated long enough, or if roasted beforehand. But if you want a really tasty, deep-charactered, full-bodied stock worthy of being a chicken soup base without the meat’s having to be roasted first or simmered for eight hours, your best bet is to get an old stewing hen or rooster and use that. (The good news for those with little money: If you go to groceries catering to Asian or Latino communities, you can find whole stewing chickens for around $2 each. These are typically pullets from egg farms, and so have been allowed to hang around until their egg-laying days are done, which is far longer than most chickens attain.)

Okay, so you’ve got your meat, be it chicken, beef, fish, or whatever. You’ve got whatever bones that are in it cracked to extract the flavor therein. How much stock you’ll be making will depend on the following: The amount of meat and bones you have, the amount of veggies you have, and the size of the pot you’ll be using. If you only have a few ounces of meat or bones — less than a quarter of a chicken carcass — and a similar amount of vegetables, you can probably get away with a small 2-quart pan, pot, or slow cooker. If you’ve got a chicken carcass, you’re going to need a 4-quart pot or slow cooker. And if you’ve got a whole bird, you need to use a stock pot, a Dutch oven, or a really big slow cooker, because nothing smaller will work.

Put whatever amount of meat and/or cracked bones you have into whatever cooking receptacle you’ll be using, then add cold water until it cover the meat by at least an inch. (Now you see why you need a bigger pot. Now you also see another reason for cracking the carcass bones — to make them lie flatter and thus take up less space in the pot.) Why cold water? Because cold water extracts the flavor better, as well as the collagen that will give the stock thickness and body. Let it sit in the cold water for about fifteen to twenty minutes before you turn on the burner (or turn the dial to the “low” setting, if using a slow cooker). Use the fifteen minutes to chop up your veggies.

What sort of vegetables to use, and how much? For much American and European cooking, particularly French cooking, the holy trinity is onion, carrot and celery, or celery root (celeriac) if available. That will serve you well for starters, though I like to put in ginger with my chicken stocks and garlic with my beef ones. You can, if you don’t mind really spicy (as in four-alarm) stocks, throw in a chile pepper pod — though really, just a few seeds will be great plenty as far as spicing things up goes. Now the other question: How finely should we chop the veggies? The answer: Not finely at all. In fact, one-inch chunks are ideal. If you’re doing a whole bird, one or two chunk-chopped yellow onions, three to four chunk-chopped large (at least one inch thick and eight inches long) carrots, and four chopped celery stalks (or half of a celeriac root) will suffice; scale up or down accordingly for different amounts of meat.

Okay, now to turn on the heat. Bring the water up to almost (but not quite) a boil, skimming off any scummy foamy residue that reaches the top so you don’t risk it being cooked into the stock by boiling, as it will leave a bitter taste; when you stop seeing fresh foam (this should be after about five minutes or so), add in the veggies. (If you’re using a crock-pot or other kind of slow cooker, you can add in the veggies along with the meat right at the beginning, as even on high it won’t get hot enough to sustain a true rolling boil; just remember to skim off the residue when you’re done cooking and before you strain.)

Once the veggies are added, that’s it. You can turn the heat down to a slow simmer and go on about your business for the next few hours (three to four if doing a stovetop method, eight on low if using a slow cooker) with no need to do anything other than checking the water level every hour or so to make sure it’s still above the level of the meat and veggies. (If you’re using a slow cooker, you won’t even need to do that. Plus, you can safely leave it on when you leave the house, something I hesitate to advocate for stovetop cookery.) You may want to add in some herbs and various other aromatics, but for most of those there is a danger of overcooking the herbiness right out if added too soon; wait until about an hour before you plan to stop cooking before adding any herbs to the mix. (Garlic and ginger are different in that they’re tough buggers that take a lot of abuse, which is why they’re added early on in the process.)

When three to four hours (or eight in the slow cooker) have elapsed, pull out a piece of meat or veg, let it cool, and taste it. If there’s still some flavor to it, cook a little while longer if you can; if not, you’re done cooking — all the flavor in the meat or vegetable has been transferred to the liquid, which is now officially stock. Goody!

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Cable <b>News</b> Ratings 2010: Top 30 Programs Of The Year (PHOTOS)

2010 is almost done, and the cable news ratings for the entire year are in. As always, Fox News came out on top, thoroughly dominating the competition and taking the top 12 slots on the ratings list.

Chupacabra Watch: Kentucky Livestock Killer Could Be Hairless Coyote

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&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Cable <b>News</b> Ratings 2010: Top 30 Programs Of The Year (PHOTOS)

2010 is almost done, and the cable news ratings for the entire year are in. As always, Fox News came out on top, thoroughly dominating the competition and taking the top 12 slots on the ratings list.

Chupacabra Watch: Kentucky Livestock Killer Could Be Hairless Coyote

Weird News From Our Partners. Fark � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Politics tab headlines � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Showbiz tab headlines ...

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&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Cable <b>News</b> Ratings 2010: Top 30 Programs Of The Year (PHOTOS)

2010 is almost done, and the cable news ratings for the entire year are in. As always, Fox News came out on top, thoroughly dominating the competition and taking the top 12 slots on the ratings list.

Chupacabra Watch: Kentucky Livestock Killer Could Be Hairless Coyote

Weird News From Our Partners. Fark � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Politics tab headlines � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Showbiz tab headlines ...

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&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Cable <b>News</b> Ratings 2010: Top 30 Programs Of The Year (PHOTOS)

2010 is almost done, and the cable news ratings for the entire year are in. As always, Fox News came out on top, thoroughly dominating the competition and taking the top 12 slots on the ratings list.

Chupacabra Watch: Kentucky Livestock Killer Could Be Hairless Coyote

Weird News From Our Partners. Fark � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Politics tab headlines � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Showbiz tab headlines ...

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&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Cable <b>News</b> Ratings 2010: Top 30 Programs Of The Year (PHOTOS)

2010 is almost done, and the cable news ratings for the entire year are in. As always, Fox News came out on top, thoroughly dominating the competition and taking the top 12 slots on the ratings list.

Chupacabra Watch: Kentucky Livestock Killer Could Be Hairless Coyote

Weird News From Our Partners. Fark � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Politics tab headlines � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Showbiz tab headlines ...

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&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Cable <b>News</b> Ratings 2010: Top 30 Programs Of The Year (PHOTOS)

2010 is almost done, and the cable news ratings for the entire year are in. As always, Fox News came out on top, thoroughly dominating the competition and taking the top 12 slots on the ratings list.

Chupacabra Watch: Kentucky Livestock Killer Could Be Hairless Coyote

Weird News From Our Partners. Fark � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Politics tab headlines � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Showbiz tab headlines ...

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&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Cable <b>News</b> Ratings 2010: Top 30 Programs Of The Year (PHOTOS)

2010 is almost done, and the cable news ratings for the entire year are in. As always, Fox News came out on top, thoroughly dominating the competition and taking the top 12 slots on the ratings list.

Chupacabra Watch: Kentucky Livestock Killer Could Be Hairless Coyote

Weird News From Our Partners. Fark � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Politics tab headlines � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Showbiz tab headlines ...

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&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Cable <b>News</b> Ratings 2010: Top 30 Programs Of The Year (PHOTOS)

2010 is almost done, and the cable news ratings for the entire year are in. As always, Fox News came out on top, thoroughly dominating the competition and taking the top 12 slots on the ratings list.

Chupacabra Watch: Kentucky Livestock Killer Could Be Hairless Coyote

Weird News From Our Partners. Fark � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Politics tab headlines � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Showbiz tab headlines ...

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&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Cable <b>News</b> Ratings 2010: Top 30 Programs Of The Year (PHOTOS)

2010 is almost done, and the cable news ratings for the entire year are in. As always, Fox News came out on top, thoroughly dominating the competition and taking the top 12 slots on the ratings list.

Chupacabra Watch: Kentucky Livestock Killer Could Be Hairless Coyote

Weird News From Our Partners. Fark � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Politics tab headlines � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Showbiz tab headlines ...

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&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Cable <b>News</b> Ratings 2010: Top 30 Programs Of The Year (PHOTOS)

2010 is almost done, and the cable news ratings for the entire year are in. As always, Fox News came out on top, thoroughly dominating the competition and taking the top 12 slots on the ratings list.

Chupacabra Watch: Kentucky Livestock Killer Could Be Hairless Coyote

Weird News From Our Partners. Fark � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Politics tab headlines � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Showbiz tab headlines ...

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&#39;Green River Killer&#39; Could Face New Murder Charge - AOL <b>News</b>

Related Searches: top 10 serial killers, green river murders, gary ridgeway, rebecca marrero 1982, capital punishment, the green river killer, green river cc auburn wa, crime news, crime reports, ...

Cable <b>News</b> Ratings 2010: Top 30 Programs Of The Year (PHOTOS)

2010 is almost done, and the cable news ratings for the entire year are in. As always, Fox News came out on top, thoroughly dominating the competition and taking the top 12 slots on the ratings list.

Chupacabra Watch: Kentucky Livestock Killer Could Be Hairless Coyote

Weird News From Our Partners. Fark � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Politics tab headlines � Fark's 2010 Headline of the Year contest: Showbiz tab headlines ...

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Who's Making Money

Wednesday Worries – Ireland “Fixed” – Who’s Next?

Courtesy of Phil at Phil's Stock World 

So many things are pissing me off today.  

I got my political outrage out of the way in my earlier post: "Thanks for the Gas Money, Mr. President," so we don't need to talk about that again. Ireland, as of 7:45, has not actually voted to accept the EU's deal, which will pull $20,000 per Irish family directly from national pension funds to pay for the speculative mistakes of Irish Banks.  Additionally, the Irish people are being asked to borrow another $75,000 per family from the EU at about 6% interest, also to pay for the speculative mistakes made by the Irish Banks.  While this may seem insane - it's only a drop in the bucket compared to what Americans are spending to bail out our own speculators so why shouldn't they join the club?  

At least Ireland gets to vote for their obligations, we have a Federal Reserve System where a single man, known as "The Bernank" is able to spend what is now heading towards $3.5Tn of OUR MONEY to bail out his banking buddies.  That's $31,818 per American family spent over two years IN ADDITION to the stuff I complained about Obama and our spineless Government spending in the last post.  

As I said, things are pissing me off today!  I should be in a better mood - we had a fabulous day trading in Member Chat yesterday.  In yesterday's post, I closed with "One last stab at making some bearish profits for us (see Morning Alert)" and you can click on that Alert, which was posted on Seeking Alpha and check out our trade ideas for the $10,000 to $50,000 Portfolio which included (at 7:22 am yesterday) QID Jan $10 calls, which opened at $1.80 and finished at $2 (up 11%), DIA Dec $114 puts, which opened at .80 and finished at $1.33 (up 66%), XRT Jan $44 puts, which opened at .35 and finished at .55 (up 57%), USO Jan $36 puts, which opened at .66 and finished at .90 (up 36%), PCLN weekly $400 puts, which opened at $.50 and finished at $1.40 (up 180%) and NFLX Jan $155 puts, which opened at $1.70 and finished at $2.30 (up 35%) but should look much better this morning, where we will exit.  

Of course I featured the idea to short NFLX last Thursday in the Morning Post (which you would get at 8:30 every morning in progress if you subscribed!) and we talked about shorting oil in the Weekend Post and I mentioned XRT last week as well so it's not like these are even our "super-secret" trade ideas - this is just the stuff that looked obvious enough to risk our small portfolio plays on (as you don't want to take too much risk in a small portfolio, even when it is aggressive like our virtual $10,000 Portfolio).  Once we got into Member Chat for the morning we went with more aggressive trade ideas like PCLN weekly $410 puts at $1.60, which finished the day at $4.20 (up 162%) and 6 other plays that we're not done with yet plus shorts on the oil futures at $90 that worked out very well.   

So why am I angry?  You can't really have a better day than we had yesterday.  Yesterday is the reason we have sat patiently (well kind of patiently) in cash for a month as we finally got an opportunity to commit to a whole bunch of very obvious trades, the most trade ideas I've had in a single day since early September, when we jumped on Uncle Ben's bullish bandwagon.   Sure we find things to trade every day but these are the opportunities we wait for.  I guess I'm pissed because we had to pull our December short plays off the table because the cartoon bears have warned us that they will be "Buying the F'ing Dips" and we know better than to argue with cartoon bears because it's simplistic little BS premises like that that rule this market.  Ah, that's why I'm angry!  

As I keep saying, I don't enjoy day trading - it's not satisfying but it's what we do while we wait for real investment opportunities to come along.  While it may be exciting to make 100% on a trade in a single day - it's small money and a tedious (and stressful) way to build up a portfolio.  I suppose at heart, I'm a long-term investing coupon-clipper but those kind of investors are being chewed up and spit out in this market and, while we found many, many things to buy earlier in the year, now we're down to one or two long-term opportunities a day while most of the rest of the market looks better as a short.

But you can't even stay short past the closing bell.  Even as I write this post our paranoia in taking the money and running (our usual strategy) on our quick gains is looking justified as the dollar is, as usual, being shoved off it's overnight highs (used to prop up the Nikkei in our famous "3am Trade") during the slower EU lunch break in order to now goose the US futures to give US markets the best possible open on the least possible amount of volume (ergo cost to the Gang of 12).  Despite debasement efforts by Obama and The Bernank yesterday, the dollar still rose back to 80.81 in overnight trading and that sent the Dow futures all the way down to 11,285 but don't despair - they've already been goosed back to 11,350 - just 5 points shy of yesterday's weak close.  

See, in a "normal" market we would have simply stayed short because clearly the momentum was down and the fundamentals indicate that all the efforts of Obama, The Bernank, the BOJ, the BOC, the ECB... are "too little, too late" to put the Humpty Dumpty global economy back together again.  Some of the fundamentals we're watching:  

  • German exports declined in October

  • Machinery orders fell in Japan for October.

  • Speculators are holding the largest commodity positions on record, up 13% from 2008 highs. 

  • Oil is in a GLUT, with demand off a cliff.   

  • Mortgage Applications are falling again

  • 15 US States face a $26.7Bn mid-year budget gap

  • The EU is passing tough banking regulations

  • Our Government is expanding the insider trading investigation

  • China is likely to hike interest rates.

  • Mortgage Bond yields have leaped to 6-month highs.

  • Italy's budget plan is forcing a "no-confidence" vote for Berlusconi

  • US Retailers are cutting earnings forecasts and sitting on big inventories.

These are just TODAY'S headlines and they all add up to RISK.  Lack of risk recognition by the markets was the primary reason I called for cash in early November.  We are approaching 2008 pre-crash market highs with many stock trading higher than they were then on LESS revenues than they had at the time.  Meanwhile, 10% of our population is unemployed, consumer credit is down by over $1,000,000,000 (15%), household wealth is down 20% and income is down while the CPI, even by BS Government measures, is up 5% since then, effectively giving those people who still have jobs 5% less to spend anyway.  

And when you consider that discretionary income is just 20% of income - if the 80% they HAVE to spend went up 5%, then that's 4% of discretionary income gone, which is 20% of discretionary income out the window - FOR THE PEOPLE WHO ARE STILL WORKING.  The other 10% have ZERO to spend and that's not good either.  All of this is being ignored as "investors" buy stocks on the hopes that they will expand sales internationally and keep cutting costs despite the same inflation the speculators are using to justify their very high valuations.  We're effectively writing off the US economy and placing all of our bullish eggs in the global basket - even though they have 20% unemployment "over there." - that's kind of nuts, don't you think?

I'm not even going to ask if the above 

chart (from Calculated Risk) disturbs you

. Clearly, from the results of the last election, it does not.  We are over 6M jobs away from recovery and we added less than 40,000 last month.  At least in Ireland, their population is shrinking, with 65,500 people (1.5%) abandoning the sinking ship as of April of this year.  That's less likely to happen in America as Mexico is not that attractive and Canada doesn't want us and most people can't afford to move anyway as they are upside down on their mortgages so we, as a people, sit and wait.  We sit and wait for something good to happen.  Any minute now...  Something good is bound to happen... NOW!   OK, maybe not now but really soon - something good has got to happen, right?  


That pretty much sums up our national policy - we don't actually do anything to create jobs but if we sprinkle enough magical fairy money on the rich, we're sure they'll start hiring people real soon!  Maybe as soon as they are done merging and acquiring smaller companies with all that money where they then create efficiencies by laying off 50,000 people a month (Challenger Job Cut Report) while more and more jobs are outsourced every day ($6Tn worth of jobs are currently outsourced).  And why not?  There are huge tax advantages to outsourcing US jobs - tax advantages that our President is perpetuating as he bends over and accepts the massive Republican tax cuts for the wealthy on behalf of the American people. 


Did I mention I was pissed?  Good, then moving along...  

So we kept our Jan shorts and didn't add any longs because we expect a bounce on the usual opening nonsense but I don't see enough dry powder left for the bulls to take us over that critical Dow 11,500 mark.  Meanwhile, CAT is way too high and they are a Dow component, as are XOM, CVX, IBM and MCD - all stocks that are major components in the price-weighted Dow and are more likely to pull back than move higher.  

EU money printing will not inflate our stocks - it may even boost the Buck and that would be bad for commodities, who had a pretty rough day yesterday (and we shorted a few).  I wish it were easier and I wish we could just say "CAT is overbought so we're going short" but the fundamentals of the stock are trumped by rumors of infinite Chinese demand and inflation expectations that somehow ignore the negative impact of rising steel prices and increasing borrowing costs on the company.  Of course the weak-dollar expectations have everyone moving into stocks, which are just another form of commodity to trade and, even as I write this, the dollar is being jammed back below 80.50 to goose the US open.  

At least we know how this game is rigged and we can have lots of fun betting the suckers never do find that red queen but what a shame that this is what the global economy has been reduced to - a shell game - and it's an empty shell at that! 

This post was written by the Web Marketing Ninja — a professional online marketer for a major web brand, who’s sharing his tips undercover here at ProBlogger. Curious? So are we!

As online marketers, we often devote a large amount of time to finding ways to attract eyeballs to our online assets. We put such effort into simply get the readers there that we allow the rest to take care of itself. Money will flow, Ferraris will be purchased, and we can all retire nice and young…

Then we discover the concept of sales funnels.

You may already know what a sales funnel is, but if you don’t, let me quickly describe it for you.

A sales funnel is a simple map of your lead-to-sale process.

  1. Let’s imagine you start with 1,000 leads (visitors to your web site).

  2. 100 might click on a sales page link for of one of your products.

  3. 50 might click your Order Now button and enter your shopping cart.

  4. Ten complete the checkout process and buy the product.

So your sales funnel starts and 1,000 and ends in ten sales—that’s a 1% conversion.

That’s a bare-bones view of a sales funnel, but as you can see it takes four steps, not one, to increase the amount of sales your site delivers. If we put all our attention on attracting new visitors, we’re essentially forgetting 75% of the puzzle—and we’ve all done that.

But that’s not where online marketers go wrong!

It’s not hard to sell people the idea of the sales funnel—it’s simple to understand and easy to quantify. It’s also been around for a long time. Offline sales professionals have been using it for decades.

The problem with the sales funnel is that in the offline world it’s a simple and straightforward methodology, but in the online world, it’s not.

The image below is a quick process map I prepared for a Managing Director of a large retail operation, who’s focusing heavily on online strategy.

As you can see, that organization’s sales funnel is a lot more complicated than the simple four-step process I mentioned above. There are some key points I want to highlight in this map:

  • Seven different types of traffic that visit the site.

  • There are multiple behaviors that we need to analyse: what pages visitors view, how long they stay, the navigational path, and their user profiles (locations, browsers, etc.).

  • There’s a connection outcome, as well as a buy outcome.

  • A visitor can become a customer in a range of ways.

Now my idea of a funnel resembles something I use to fill my car with oil, and this looks nothing like it. This depiction reminds me more of the tubes game I play on my iPhone. In even more bad news, I made this process map in five minutes. The reality is that this business’s online sales funnel is probably twice as complicated!

The key to sales funnel success

The key to creating a more successful sales funnel is: step away from the keyboard. While I work in an office, I actually have a whiteboard in my house. I actually use it, and it’s better than any online tool I’ve seen for laying out the bare bones of a real, live sales funnel.

I start by detailing every single way people can enter the funnel, identifying where they have come from, what their persona is, and where they’re at in the purchase cycle.

Then, I identify every activity that someone can undertake on the site: read some content, read some more content, subscribe to a newsletter, view a social media profile, buy something, or exit the site.

Finally I detail the measures I can put on each activity: time on page, entry path, exit path, and so on.

Then I start connecting the dots and putting together all the different pathways a visitor can take thought my funnel. The key here is not to change anything about your site yet.

Putting theory into practice

Once the funnel is mapped, and the measures are in place, I start collating reports at every step. What I’m trying to do here is understand how my funnel works in practice, not in theory.

Try this on your blog. Once you’ve collated enough information to start making decisions, I guarantee there will be obvious points of failure in your process, and they’re likely to arise in two main areas:

  1. a page that does a great job at encouraging a secondary behaviour (that is, rather than keeping someone in the sales funnel)

  2. a page that fundamentally fails to move a customer to the next step in the funnel.

Initially, you’ll probably feel like there is a lot to do, so you’ll need to prioritize the changes you want to make. Focus on the areas that are costing you the most sales (which might actually be at the bottom end of your funnel).

With time, effort, and focus, you could see huge improvements in the performance of your site, without your having to attract one new visitor to your site. Sounds good to me!

Have you tweaked your sales funnel recently? What changes have worked best for you?

Stay tuned from most posts by the secretive Web Marketing Ninja—a professional online marketer for a major web brand, who’s sharing his tips undercover here at ProBlogger. Questions? Suggestions? Email him.

bench craft company scam

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

Rihanna joins the Dance Central Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our Xbox 360 news of Rihanna joins the Dance Central.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Your Social Media Update

How important is social media to your small business? Social media is no longer a little subject. It may be one of the most important forms of marketing and.

bench craft company scam

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

Rihanna joins the Dance Central Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our Xbox 360 news of Rihanna joins the Dance Central.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Your Social Media Update

How important is social media to your small business? Social media is no longer a little subject. It may be one of the most important forms of marketing and.

bench craft company scam

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

Rihanna joins the Dance Central Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our Xbox 360 news of Rihanna joins the Dance Central.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Your Social Media Update

How important is social media to your small business? Social media is no longer a little subject. It may be one of the most important forms of marketing and.

bench craft company scam

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

Rihanna joins the Dance Central Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our Xbox 360 news of Rihanna joins the Dance Central.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Your Social Media Update

How important is social media to your small business? Social media is no longer a little subject. It may be one of the most important forms of marketing and.

bench craft company scam

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

Rihanna joins the Dance Central Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our Xbox 360 news of Rihanna joins the Dance Central.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Your Social Media Update

How important is social media to your small business? Social media is no longer a little subject. It may be one of the most important forms of marketing and.

bench craft company scam

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

Rihanna joins the Dance Central Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our Xbox 360 news of Rihanna joins the Dance Central.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Your Social Media Update

How important is social media to your small business? Social media is no longer a little subject. It may be one of the most important forms of marketing and.

bench craft company scam

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

Rihanna joins the Dance Central Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our Xbox 360 news of Rihanna joins the Dance Central.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Your Social Media Update

How important is social media to your small business? Social media is no longer a little subject. It may be one of the most important forms of marketing and.

bench craft company scam

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

Rihanna joins the Dance Central Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our Xbox 360 news of Rihanna joins the Dance Central.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Your Social Media Update

How important is social media to your small business? Social media is no longer a little subject. It may be one of the most important forms of marketing and.

bench craft company scam

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

Rihanna joins the Dance Central Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our Xbox 360 news of Rihanna joins the Dance Central.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Your Social Media Update

How important is social media to your small business? Social media is no longer a little subject. It may be one of the most important forms of marketing and.

bench craft company scam

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

Rihanna joins the Dance Central Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our Xbox 360 news of Rihanna joins the Dance Central.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Your Social Media Update

How important is social media to your small business? Social media is no longer a little subject. It may be one of the most important forms of marketing and.

bench craft company scam

Bad <b>news</b> from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at <b>...</b>

Bad news from freed detainee: The Jews used witchcraft on me at Gitmo.

Rihanna joins the Dance Central Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our Xbox 360 news of Rihanna joins the Dance Central.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Your Social Media Update

How important is social media to your small business? Social media is no longer a little subject. It may be one of the most important forms of marketing and.

bench craft company scam

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Making Money Ebay


Billed as the for small businesses, InDinero launched in early July and is a real-time financial dashboard for companies. The Y Combinator-backed startup is led by 20-year-old Jessica Mah, who got the idea for InDinero while she was selling items on eBay in middle school.

"I had no idea how much money I was actually making," Mah told us in July. Mah, who is obviously some kind of super-genius, graduated from UC Berkley's computer science program this year at the age of 19 and promptly began putting the finishing touches on the Web app, which closely resembles

InDinero is free for up to 50 transactions per month, $29.95 for up to 500, and $99.95 for an unlimited number of monthly transactions.


Rapportive may not have been designed specifically for small businesses, but it sure makes life for pretty much any business owner easier. The Gmail plugin creates a widget that sits to the right of any open email message and culls data from the Web to tell you exactly who really is.

Depending on how readily available such details are, Rapportive will pull an avatar image, name, job title, recent tweets and links to any active social networking profiles the person may have. You can even connect with somebody on LinkedIn via Rapportive, without leaving Gmail.

Next page: No longer is there a barrier for even the smallest of businesses to begin accepting credit cards where ever they may be...


This makes me ill! I work for a small company that manufactures solarpanels here in NY state. We have been fighting for a grant for years, but I guess we are too small to even be considered. This burns me to no end, because most of us haven't gotten any raises and often times the owner pays our payroll out of his own pocket.

We do things the old fashion way in many ways still, like building by hand instead of machines for when we have special orders for glass/glass modules. We are the only company that makes these custom modules.
A customer wants a specific design and we do everything we can to make it happen. No other company does this, because it's not very lucrative due to so many things could be going wrong and a lot of money could be lost.

We also make a product called Sunslates, which are small panels already mounted on roofing tiles, we own the patent for that and nobody else makes it.
The fact that we make panels that nobody else makes, should earn us a grant, but nope, we are too small and not modern enough I guess. How are we suppose to upgrade if the money we need for that goes to fraudulent people like this???

Our company focuses on quality over quantity, which I guess also makes it harder to fight over grants compare to guys like these. The company in Kingston got a big grant btw., one that we were hoping for but at least they are employing local people.

And on another note, I read that GlobalWatt uses cells made by Suniva and all I can say to this is ROFLMAO! Thise cells are some of the worst I ever worked with. We have tried them and rejected them, because their quality is so horrific. Cells are all fragile, but these break if you just look at them wrong. I can't see how they could make decent solarpanels using those cells, so it wouldn't surprise me if that's not another lie.
There are cell companies in Taiwan that have much better quality cells and cheaper, so it wouldn't surprise me if they would get the cells from them, since they are obviously a lot closer. A lot of material can be gotten cheaper from the east, so I don't believe for a second they are getting materials from here.

Man, this really burns my buttons!!!

December 11, 2010 3:07 PM

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

<b>News</b> Corp. sells Fox Mobile Group | Ina Fried | Mobilized | AllThingsD

News Corp. said Wednesday it had sold its Fox Mobile Group unit to Jesta Group, an investor firm. The mobile entertainment unit, which had been on the block for a while, includes Jamster, Mobizzo and mobile video service BitBop.

Neandertal Relative Bred With Humans - Science <b>News</b>

Previously unknown Siberian group left fingerprints in some humans' DNA.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

<b>News</b> Corp. sells Fox Mobile Group | Ina Fried | Mobilized | AllThingsD

News Corp. said Wednesday it had sold its Fox Mobile Group unit to Jesta Group, an investor firm. The mobile entertainment unit, which had been on the block for a while, includes Jamster, Mobizzo and mobile video service BitBop.

Neandertal Relative Bred With Humans - Science <b>News</b>

Previously unknown Siberian group left fingerprints in some humans' DNA.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

<b>News</b> Corp. sells Fox Mobile Group | Ina Fried | Mobilized | AllThingsD

News Corp. said Wednesday it had sold its Fox Mobile Group unit to Jesta Group, an investor firm. The mobile entertainment unit, which had been on the block for a while, includes Jamster, Mobizzo and mobile video service BitBop.

Neandertal Relative Bred With Humans - Science <b>News</b>

Previously unknown Siberian group left fingerprints in some humans' DNA.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

<b>News</b> Corp. sells Fox Mobile Group | Ina Fried | Mobilized | AllThingsD

News Corp. said Wednesday it had sold its Fox Mobile Group unit to Jesta Group, an investor firm. The mobile entertainment unit, which had been on the block for a while, includes Jamster, Mobizzo and mobile video service BitBop.

Neandertal Relative Bred With Humans - Science <b>News</b>

Previously unknown Siberian group left fingerprints in some humans' DNA.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

<b>News</b> Corp. sells Fox Mobile Group | Ina Fried | Mobilized | AllThingsD

News Corp. said Wednesday it had sold its Fox Mobile Group unit to Jesta Group, an investor firm. The mobile entertainment unit, which had been on the block for a while, includes Jamster, Mobizzo and mobile video service BitBop.

Neandertal Relative Bred With Humans - Science <b>News</b>

Previously unknown Siberian group left fingerprints in some humans' DNA.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

<b>News</b> Corp. sells Fox Mobile Group | Ina Fried | Mobilized | AllThingsD

News Corp. said Wednesday it had sold its Fox Mobile Group unit to Jesta Group, an investor firm. The mobile entertainment unit, which had been on the block for a while, includes Jamster, Mobizzo and mobile video service BitBop.

Neandertal Relative Bred With Humans - Science <b>News</b>

Previously unknown Siberian group left fingerprints in some humans' DNA.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

<b>News</b> Corp. sells Fox Mobile Group | Ina Fried | Mobilized | AllThingsD

News Corp. said Wednesday it had sold its Fox Mobile Group unit to Jesta Group, an investor firm. The mobile entertainment unit, which had been on the block for a while, includes Jamster, Mobizzo and mobile video service BitBop.

Neandertal Relative Bred With Humans - Science <b>News</b>

Previously unknown Siberian group left fingerprints in some humans' DNA.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

<b>News</b> Corp. sells Fox Mobile Group | Ina Fried | Mobilized | AllThingsD

News Corp. said Wednesday it had sold its Fox Mobile Group unit to Jesta Group, an investor firm. The mobile entertainment unit, which had been on the block for a while, includes Jamster, Mobizzo and mobile video service BitBop.

Neandertal Relative Bred With Humans - Science <b>News</b>

Previously unknown Siberian group left fingerprints in some humans' DNA.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

<b>News</b> Corp. sells Fox Mobile Group | Ina Fried | Mobilized | AllThingsD

News Corp. said Wednesday it had sold its Fox Mobile Group unit to Jesta Group, an investor firm. The mobile entertainment unit, which had been on the block for a while, includes Jamster, Mobizzo and mobile video service BitBop.

Neandertal Relative Bred With Humans - Science <b>News</b>

Previously unknown Siberian group left fingerprints in some humans' DNA.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

<b>News</b> Corp. sells Fox Mobile Group | Ina Fried | Mobilized | AllThingsD

News Corp. said Wednesday it had sold its Fox Mobile Group unit to Jesta Group, an investor firm. The mobile entertainment unit, which had been on the block for a while, includes Jamster, Mobizzo and mobile video service BitBop.

Neandertal Relative Bred With Humans - Science <b>News</b>

Previously unknown Siberian group left fingerprints in some humans' DNA.

bench craft company scam

CBS <b>News</b> airs fake, typo-ridden cover of Bush&#39;s &#39;Decision Points <b>...</b>

During a Sunday book special, CBS News aired a misspelled, mocking cover of Bush's memoir Decision Points.

<b>News</b> Corp. sells Fox Mobile Group | Ina Fried | Mobilized | AllThingsD

News Corp. said Wednesday it had sold its Fox Mobile Group unit to Jesta Group, an investor firm. The mobile entertainment unit, which had been on the block for a while, includes Jamster, Mobizzo and mobile video service BitBop.

Neandertal Relative Bred With Humans - Science <b>News</b>

Previously unknown Siberian group left fingerprints in some humans' DNA.

bench craft company scam

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Making Money on the Internet

Very few people can deny the appeal of practical and sophisticated electronic mobile devices. Problem is, not everyone can afford them. The iPad, for example, costs $499. How can any consumer try out an expensive electronic device, really test run it at home, at the office, on the road, etc. to make sure that the functionality is worth the money and matches the needs of one's lifestyle?

Enter SnapGoods. This internet start-up in Brooklyn runs on a very basic premise: people want to borrow stuff. Since there are plenty of people who have stuff they want to lend, this site brings the two together. It's sort of a borrower-lender match-making service.

Anything goes, it's not just fancy hand-held electronic devices but camping gear, food processors, vacuum cleaners, and lots more.

The site completes a standard background check on users who want to set up an account/membership, and handles payment via PayPal.

SnapGoods is not the only site to provide a place for people to engage in sharing stuff. Sites like SwapBabyGoods specifically caters to the needs of new parents.

Some other sites such as Neighborhood Fruit is specific in the sense that it allows people to share what bumper crop grows in their yards or fruits "harvested" from fruit trees on public land, which would otherwise have gone to waste.

All these sites have at least two advantages. This process bypasses the conventional route of spending money in order to own stuff that comes not only with the cost of purchase, but with the costs of maintenance and storage as well.

The other advantage is that such sites allow consumers to reduce, reuse, and recycle what they already have even while it builds community ties by fostering communication that would otherwise not have taken place.

After all, anyone who needs or wants anything must first find and then contact someone who has the desired object. Search, contact, negotiation, finalizing the deal, etc. all give getting more stuff a new meaning. Such a process actually makes us slow down and assess our needs and wants in greater detail. Do I really need a shop vac? Maybe yes, but I might need it only twice a year to clean out my basement. So does it really make any sense to buy a brand new one, use it twice a year, and store it for the rest of the time? Isn't it better to find someone who has it, borrow or rent it for the 4 hours a year when I actually use it?

Continued on the next page

Aaron Brazell notes, as many have, that it’s amusing to watch the apoplexy aimed at Julian Assange and WikiLeaks for posting stolen classified documents while his co-conspirators in the mainstream press publish them with next to no criticism.    But Aaron moves from this to make a more novel argument, namely that Assange is threatening to topple what’s left of the traditional media business model.

he media is on the sideline, their power usurped from this rogue operative with a rogue website. Instead of the New York Times or Washington Post benefitting from the receipt of leaked information as has been the case in their traditional past (see Watergate), an upstart “news organization” is stealing their thunder. Sure the Times and a variety of other media outlets were given the data eventually, but the arbiter of information was no longer them.

While the media wrings their hands over a contrived battle between the morality of publishing leaked, national security documents and preservation of national secrets, the bigger capitalistic battle is happening and that overshadows journalistic sense of responsibility.

The ability to be first is being tainted here. While Wikileaks promises to distribute new information, acting as a benevolent dictator, to news organizations, these news organizations are capitulating their responsibilities simply to make sure they have some crumbs off of Assange’s table.

No one, certainly, is suggesting that news outlets should become a lap-dog, as I have heard toss around, of the government, bowing to their every will and whim. Certainly not, lest we live in a Communist system. However, the media is expected to operate in a suitably responsible way.

In this case, the media knows that they are on the outs. In a last gasp of industry-pride, they have sacrificed themselves in a last-ditch effort to remain relevant. Put in another way, they have come to serve themselves instead of the people they exist to serve.

I’m not sure I agree with either part of this.

WikiLeaks and Newspaper Profits

First, it’s true that the Internet has been killing the old business model based on advertisements in printed copies.  And WikiLeaks is to some extent furthering this.  But, as it is, WikiLeaks is only important because hundreds of reporters from well established newspapers are sifting through the piles of mostly worthless documents to ferret out what’s interesting and distill it for their readership.

The upshot is that Assange is handing these papers mini-scoops and exciting stories to cover, thus boosting their bottom line.   By contrast, I haven’t the foggiest notion of how Assange is making any money off of this.

Now, it’s conceivable that Assange could bypass the Guardian, Times, and others and simply dump them out there for crowdsourcing.  Maybe Josh Marshall and the TPM gang or Arianna Huffington’s minions over at HuffPo would do the sorting, instead.   But right now, the threat to the mainstream media is minuscule at best.

WikiLeaks and Journalistic Ethics

Is the press here ignoring the real risks of going public with classified documents that could ostensibly cause real harm to their publics?  Maybe.  Then again, this is hardly the first time.   Leaks are the bread and butter of scoop journalism and they have been for some time.

Further, it appears — granted, we have nothing to go on but the publishers’ own accounts of the process — that the newspapers in question actually took the risks seriously, carefully vetting the information before going to press.   The NYT, especially, seemed to bend over backwards to get commentary from the US Government and to pass along any objections and their own redactions to other papers who’d received the dumps.

Beyond that, once Assange made the documents publicly available on the Internet, the only thing the editors would have achieved by refusing to report on what was in them was to lose money.  Someone was going to report anything of interest.

Turning full circle, I’d also note that there’s an important distinction between the conduct of the newspapers in question and of the WikiLeaks gang:  The former didn’t encourage the commission of crimes by those entrusted to protect America’s secrets and set up an elaborate conspiracy to make doing so easier.  Yes, they routinely cultivate sources with access to such information and happily abet legitimate whistleblowers.  But they’re not out to create anarchy just for the hell of it.

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...

bench craft company scam

In <b>News</b> Conferences, Obama Shoots at the Buzzer -

President Obama, as usual, saved his most powerful words for the end of his press conference on taxes and economic policy.

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

Pryor to support ending &#39;&#39;Don&#39;t Ask, Don&#39;t Tell&#39; | Arkansas <b>News</b>

By Peter Urban Stephens Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON – Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor today said he has reversed his position and will now support repeal of the Pentagon's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy that has kept gays and lesbians from ...